Return policy
If you decided to return MESOFORM PRO and receive refund, please follow steps outlined below:
have you received package? MESOFORM cannot be returned while "in-transit" to you (while delivery is in progress). To proceed with return/refund you need to collect your package.
please, inform Customer Service department about return/refund at within 14 days after package delivery so we can provide you with a return address and directions
please, make sure MESOFORM has not been used and have no signs of use: scratches, chips, scuffs.
please, make sure MESOFORM is fully equipped and packaging integrity is not violated.
please, make sure all labels and factory markings are saved.
please, ship products with international tracking number within 14 days from your initial contact with our Customer Service department
Refunds are processed only after we have received a return product, if product has passed inspection and steps 1 to 6 were followed. We will issue full refund, less the amount of delivery charges, custom duties or any other costs associated with delivery and return.
Please allow, on average, 3 weeks for refund process, please be informed, buyer is responsible for return shipping costs and lost shipments.
If you need further information please, contact us: